If the price of gasoline in Germany is about $1 per liter, what is the equivalent price of gasoline in dollars per gallon?

1 litre costs $1

so 3.79 litres cost $3.79

but 3.79 litres = 1 US gallon

so it costs $3.79 per gallon

To find the equivalent price of gasoline in dollars per gallon, we first need to convert liters to gallons.

1 gallon is approximately equal to 3.78541 liters.

So, to get the equivalent price in dollars per gallon, we divide the price in dollars per liter by the conversion factor:

$1 per liter ÷ 3.78541 liters per gallon = $0.264 per liter

Therefore, the equivalent price of gasoline in dollars per gallon in Germany is approximately $0.264.