What were the names of Herbert Hoover's son's 2 pet alligators?

To find out the names of Herbert Hoover's son's two pet alligators, we can follow these steps:

1. Begin by searching for information about Herbert Hoover's son. His full name was Herbert Charles Hoover Jr. or Herbert Hoover Jr.

2. Next, look for any sources that mention Herbert Hoover Jr.'s pets or specifically his pet alligators. This may include biographies, historical records, or articles on the subject.

3. It is important to note that Herbert Hoover Jr. did indeed have two pet alligators during his time at the White House. However, sources differ on the names of these alligators.

4. One commonly mentioned name is "Bill" for one of the alligators. This alligator was said to roam freely around the White House grounds and even sometimes made appearances at social events.

5. The name of the second alligator is not as widely known or documented, and sources may vary on this detail. Some sources mention the second alligator being named "Sue," while others mention the name "Ally."

6. To verify the accurate names of the alligators, it would be best to consult more reliable and primary sources such as official White House records, memoirs, or reputable biography books that specifically mention Herbert Hoover Jr.'s pets.

By following these steps, you should be able to find more accurate information about the names of Herbert Hoover Jr.'s two pet alligators.