why would you use hexadecimal value instead of the name color?. I am really having a hard time looking for this.

There are many variations and shades of color which you could not possibly know all the names of so a hexadecimal is the best use to get the color you prefer.

When using hexadecimal numbers in colors on web sites, you can use them to change the background colors, font colors, and quite a few other things. There are a total of six characters in there and it will look something like this:

<font color="#FF0000"> (That's for red font)

The colors are mixed up as the first two characters being red, the next two being green, and the last 2 being blue.

So, if you want purple, you would try:
#ff00ff That means the red value is 255 (the highest it goes. FF in hex = 255 in our decimal system). There is 0 green, and there is 255 of blue. You can then play around and add some green, take away blue, and take away red to get the right shade of purple you want.

The easiest way to find the exact color you want is by googling "HTML color wheel." You will get a good mix in there.

Using hexadecimal values instead of color names has a few advantages. First, hexadecimal values provide a much larger range of color options compared to the limited number of color names available. This allows for more precise control and customization over the color palette in web design or graphic editing.

To find the hexadecimal value of a color, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a color picker tool: There are many online color picker tools available, such as Adobe Color, Imagecolorpicker.com, or various browser extensions.

2. Choose a color: Use the color picker tool to select the color you want. You can do this by clicking on the desired area in a color wheel, inputting RGB values, or even uploading an image to sample colors from.

3. Observe the hexadecimal value: Once you've chosen a color, the color picker tool should display the hexadecimal value associated with it. The hexadecimal value is usually a combination of numbers and letters, starting with a pound sign (#).

By using the hexadecimal value instead of a color name, you can easily replicate and use specific colors across different platforms, devices, and programming languages. Additionally, hexadecimal values are universally understood, while color names might have variations or different interpretations across different systems and browsers.

Ultimately, the choice between hexadecimal values and color names depends on your specific needs and preferences. However, understanding how to obtain hexadecimal values will provide you with more flexibility and accuracy when working with colors.