I have to write the introduction to literary essay on The Remains of the Day with the topic "self-deception as self-destruction".

our teacher gave us a packet with things we need to include in our introduction, and for our thesis it says "the thesis statement is the topic/theme and always your approach to it in one or more sentences."

What I have so far is this:

To write an introduction for a literary essay on the topic of "self-deception as self-destruction" in The Remains of the Day, you should begin by providing some context about the novel and its author, Kazuo Ishiguro. Briefly mention the main characters and the setting, as these elements contribute to the theme of self-deception.

Next, you can introduce the concept of self-deception as a form of self-destruction. Define what self-deception means in this context by highlighting the characters' misguided beliefs or false illusions that ultimately harm them.

Lastly, present your thesis statement, which is the main argument or approach you will take in your essay. Your thesis should capture the topic/theme and convey how you will address it. It should provide a clear roadmap for the reader to understand what your essay will focus on.

Keeping all these points in mind, here's an example of an introduction for your essay:

"In Kazuo Ishiguro's novel, The Remains of the Day, the theme of self-deception plays a central role in the lives of the characters. Set in post-war England, the story follows Stevens, a loyal butler who is fixated on maintaining his code of professionalism. However, his unwavering commitment to an idealized version of his duties leads him down a path of self-destruction. Through the lens of Stevens and other characters in the novel, Ishiguro explores how self-deception can ultimately undermine an individual's happiness and fulfillment. This essay will delve into the various forms of self-deception depicted in The Remains of the Day and analyze their destructive consequences on the characters' lives."