Please provide at least one example of an appealing news lead from either a corporation or an organizations news rooms. Tell why the lead is appealing.

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you. However, we will be happy to read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

You posted about this before; read, think, write. Then post what YOU THINK.

To find an example of an appealing news lead from a corporation or organization's newsroom, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the corporation or organization you are interested in. For this example, let's choose Starbucks.
2. Visit the official website of Starbucks and look for their newsroom or press releases section. This is where they usually publish their latest news.
3. Browse through the recent press releases to find a compelling news lead. Look for one that catches your attention, creates curiosity, or highlights an important development.

An example of an appealing news lead from Starbucks' newsroom could be:

"Starbucks Unveils Sustainable Packaging Initiative to Eliminate Single-Use Plastics Worldwide"

This lead is appealing for several reasons:
1. Timeliness: It mentions a current initiative, indicating that Starbucks is taking immediate action.
2. Relevance: The topic of sustainable packaging is important and aligns with the growing global concern for environmental issues.
3. Global impact: The mention of eliminating single-use plastics worldwide shows the corporation's commitment to making a significant positive change beyond just their own locations.
4. Attention-grabbing: It creates curiosity and evokes a sense of urgency by using terms like "unveils" and "eliminate."

By analyzing the lead sentence, we can see why it is appealing and effectively conveys important information while piquing the reader's interest.