Describe how the movement of Earth is responsible for day and night.

The movement of earth is responsible for day and night because as it rotates counterclockwise we tend to have this result. The part of earth that faces the sun experiences daylight, and the part that faces away from the sun experiences darkness.

Please tell me if this is correct, and more info would be appreciated, thanks :-)

I can't help you with more description, but I find this map fascinating.

thanks Ms. Sue, I appreciate your input :-)

Yes, your understanding is correct. The movement of the Earth on its axis is responsible for the occurrence of day and night. The Earth rotates on its axis from west to east, completing one full rotation in approximately 24 hours. This rotation causes the alternation of daylight and darkness, resulting in the cycle of day and night.

As the Earth rotates, only one half of it is facing the Sun at any given time. The half facing the Sun experiences daylight, while the other half facing away from the Sun experiences darkness, creating night. This rotation causes different parts of the Earth to be exposed to sunlight or in shadow throughout the day.

The specific point on Earth where the Sun is directly overhead experiences noon or midday, with the maximum amount of daylight. As the Earth continues its rotation, the Sun appears to move across the sky, creating sunrise and sunset in different regions of the Earth.

It's worth noting that the Earth's axis is tilted by about 23.5 degrees relative to its orbit around the Sun. This tilt is responsible for the seasons as different parts of the Earth receive varying amounts of direct sunlight throughout the year.

To summarize, the rotation of the Earth on its axis is responsible for the cycle of day and night. As it spins, different parts of the Earth receive sunlight or are in shadow, causing the alternation of daylight and darkness.