which has a stronger effect on climate: the atmosphere or ocean?

Without an atmosphere, Earth's climate would be like that of the moon: Very hot in the sun and very cold everywhere else. The ocean's effect is important, but not as much.

Without an atmosphere, Earth's oceans would have evaporated by now.

That is an interesting question.

The stronger influence if the effect of the tilt of the Earth in relation to Earth's orbit. This is what caueses Seasons.

The ocean , and the heating of the oceans by the Sun, brings much water vapor to land masses, we divide the Earth up into climate zones, based mainly on temperature and rainfall.

The atmosphere and the ocean both play significant roles in regulating Earth's climate, and they interact with each other in complex ways. However, if we were to compare the strength of their effects, the atmosphere is generally considered to have a stronger impact on climate.

The atmosphere is primarily responsible for regulating temperature and circulating heat around the globe through processes like convection and wind patterns. It contains various gases called greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor, which trap heat and act like a blanket, keeping the planet warm. Changes in the concentration of these greenhouse gases can lead to variations in the Earth's temperature and climate.

Additionally, the atmosphere directly influences weather patterns, including the formation of clouds, precipitation, and the distribution of solar radiation. These weather patterns, such as tropical storms or droughts, are essential components of the Earth's climate system.

On the other hand, the ocean also has a significant impact on climate, but its effects tend to be more gradual and long-term compared to the atmosphere. The ocean acts as a massive heat reservoir, absorbing, storing, and releasing heat over extended periods. It helps regulate the Earth's temperature by transporting heat from the equator to the poles through ocean currents.

Ocean currents play a crucial role in redistributing heat and influencing weather patterns across the globe. For instance, the Gulf Stream carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to the North Atlantic, which helps to moderate the climate in regions such as Western Europe.

Moreover, the ocean also absorbs a significant portion of the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, which helps mitigate the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. However, the ocean's ability to continue absorbing carbon dioxide is not infinite, and excessive absorption can lead to ocean acidification, harming marine ecosystems.

In summary, while both the atmosphere and the ocean have important roles in shaping Earth's climate, the atmosphere is generally considered to have a stronger and more immediate effect due to its influence on temperature, weather patterns, and the concentration of greenhouse gases. However, it is crucial to recognize the complex interactions and feedback loops between the atmosphere and the ocean when trying to understand and predict climate change.