Let f(x)=(x+7)/(x+5). inverse f-1(-3)=...

let y = (x+7)/(x+5)

to form the inverse, interchange the x and y variables, thus

x = (y+7)/(y+5)
xy + 5x = y + 7
xy - y = 7 - 5x
y(x-1) = 7-5x
y = (7-5x)/(x-1)

so f-1(x) = (7-5x)/(x-1)
f-1(-3) = (7-5(-3))/((-3)-1)
= 22/-4 = -11/2

f-1(-3) = (5-7(-3))/((-3)-1)

= 26/-4 = -13/2



checking :
subbing my answer of -11/2 back in the original function yields -3
Your answer of -13/2 does not.

To find the inverse of a function, we need to solve the equation f(x) = y for x.

Given that f(x) = (x+7)/(x+5), we can rewrite this equation as:

y = (x+7)/(x+5)

Now, let's solve this equation for x.

Step 1: Swap the roles of x and y.

x = (y+7)/(y+5)

Step 2: Solve for y.

Multiply both sides of the equation by (y+5):

x(y+5) = y+7

xy + 5x = y + 7

Move all terms involving y to one side and all the other terms to the other side:

xy - y = 7 - 5x

Factor out y on the left side:

y(x - 1) = 7 - 5x

Now, divide both sides by (x - 1):

y = (7 - 5x)/(x - 1)

Thus, the inverse function f^(-1)(x) is:

f^(-1)(x) = (7 - 5x)/(x - 1)

Now, to find f^(-1)(-3), substitute -3 in place of x:

f^(-1)(-3) = (7 - 5(-3))/((-3) - 1)

f^(-1)(-3) = (7 + 15)/(-4)

f^(-1)(-3) = 22/(-4)

Finally, simplifying the expression:

f^(-1)(-3) = -11/2 or -5.5

Therefore, f^(-1)(-3) is -11/2 or -5.5.