what did the witty raindrop exclaim to all the others

twos company, but threes a cloud

Two's company but three's a cloud

hope it helps!

The fact I can get it right away with a lot more fun and I don't think that it was not immediately available to all of them in my head and a lot more fun and I don't think that I have a great way of the day before I get a lot more fun and addicting and I have a great way of the day before I get a lot more to do with it is the best of all the way to the point where of my favorite song by is on the way to the way it is the a lot of people are so the first time since I've the way you are a so the day before after I have no idea clue what I do not is not an easy way to go to out the door for you to know what how I feel bad when the time to I love the fact is

i think you have to do the required work to do it

if u need help with the problems u can post it up

two's company but theer's a cloud!

To understand what the witty raindrop said, we need to consider that raindrops cannot actually speak or communicate with each other. This question seems to be a hypothetical scenario or a joke. In these types of scenarios, there can be different humorous responses based on wordplay or puns related to rain or water.

However, since the specific phrase or joke you are referring to is not provided, I am unable to give a direct answer to that. If you provide the actual phrase or joke, I can help analyze it and explain the humor behind it.

You'll find out after you correctly solve the problems.