I am doing a crossword puzzle: THe cause of the Panic of 1837 was ? or too many people buying too much land with too little collateral.

It starts with an O and has 15 letters?

To find the answer to your crossword puzzle question, we need to think about the event causing the Panic of 1837. The clue suggests that the cause involves people buying too much land with insufficient collateral. Let's break it down.

The clue tells us that the answer starts with an "O" and has 15 letters. Since the event happened in 1837, we can assume that the answer will be a historical or economic term related to that time.

Given the context, the most likely answer for your crossword puzzle is "Over-speculation." During the 1830s, there was a massive frenzy of land speculation, with people purchasing large amounts of land in the hopes of selling it at a higher price later. This speculation led to inflated land prices and a general economic bubble, which eventually burst, causing the Panic of 1837.

Therefore, "Over-speculation" fits the clue you provided and is the likely answer to your crossword puzzle for the cause of the Panic of 1837.