How do I find lim x+4/x-4 as x approaches 4?

Sorry! I figured it out. There is no limit!

To find the limit of a function as x approaches a specific value, you can use direct substitution. However, in this case, direct substitution would result in an undefined expression, as plugging in 4 for x would yield 0 in the denominator.

To evaluate the limit of the function (lim x->4) (x + 4) / (x - 4), we can use algebraic manipulation to simplify the expression.

Start by factoring the numerator of the expression:
(x + 4) = 1 * (x + 4)

Now, simplify the denominator:
(x - 4) = x - 4

Next, cancel out the common factor (x + 4) in the numerator and denominator:
lim x->4 (1 * (x + 4)) / (x - 4) = lim x->4 (1) / 1

Since we are taking the limit as x approaches 4, we can evaluate the expression as:
lim x->4 (1) / 1 = 1 / 1 = 1

Therefore, the limit of the function (lim x->4) (x + 4) / (x - 4) as x approaches 4 is 1.