can someone show me a step by step guide converting this please

2.483 X 10^-7 pm^4kg/s^2 to dam^3mg/day^2

To convert 2.483 x 10^-7 pm^4kg/s^2 to dam^3mg/day^2, let's break it down into smaller steps:

Step 1: Convert pm^4 to dam^3
- The prefix "p" means pico, which is 10^-12.
- The prefix "d" means deca, which is 10.
- Since the exponent of pm^4 is 4, we will multiply the value by (10^-12)^4 to convert to dam^4.
- (10^-12)^4 = 10^-48

So, the conversion factor is 10^-48.

To convert pm^4 to dam^3, multiply the value by the conversion factor:
2.483 x 10^-7 pm^4 * 10^-48 = 2.483 x 10^-55 dam^3

Step 2: Convert kg/s^2 to mg/day^2
- The prefix "k" means kilo, which is 10^3.
- The prefix "m" means milli, which is 10^-3.
- Since the unit is squared, we need to square the conversion factor as well.

Convert kg to mg: 1 kg = 10^3 mg
Convert s^2 to day^2: 1 s^2 = 86400 (24 hours x 60 minutes x 60 seconds) day^2

So, the conversion factor is (10^3)^2 x (10^-3)^2 = 10^6 x 10^-6 = 1.

To convert kg/s^2 to mg/day^2, multiply the value by the conversion factor:
2.483 x 10^-7 kg/s^2 * 1 = 2.483 x 10^-7 mg/day^2

Putting it all together:
2.483 x 10^-7 pm^4kg/s^2 = 2.483 x 10^-55 dam^3mg/day^2