Four-year-old Jacob comes from a family in which hypertension is common. It's probable that Jacob will need a diet that's low in

A. fats.
B. iron.
C. salt.
D. sugar.
My answer correct is A

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To determine the correct answer, you should consider the information given in the question. In this case, it mentions that hypertension is common in Jacob's family. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition where the force of blood against the artery walls is too high. One way to manage high blood pressure is by following a diet that is low in certain substances, such as salt.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Salt.

To arrive at this answer, you should know that a diet low in salt (sodium) can be beneficial in managing hypertension. When blood pressure is high, excess sodium in the diet can cause the body to retain water, which increases blood volume and subsequently blood pressure. By reducing sodium intake, one can help lower blood pressure levels.

It is always essential to consult a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or nutritionist, to get personalized advice and recommendations regarding dietary needs, especially for a four-year-old child.