i need this paragraph edited

Secondly, the previous action in the play shows conflict of interest between the younger daughter and her older father. For example, during a conversation between the father and the daughter, there is clear proof of Japanese strong culture and belief of arranged marriage, and the specific role of female position in the Japanese society at that particular time. However, the daughter’s exploration of western ideology from the neighbour (Ishimto) will change her perspective of Japanese culture, discipline and way of life. The daughter views the tradition of sitting motionless for hours in order to embrace their past, culture, wise men and the courageous lives of their heroine’s history as a punishment. It is also stated by the father that before to eat meat was looked upon as a loathsome evil because the Buddha forbade the killing of animals. Reader learns from the father statement the controversy behind their first family dinner with meat and his mother reaction of spent the whole day in her room at her personal shrine praying for the family who break a tradition over a thousand years old. This concludes that previous actions in the play reflect the generational gap between the characters.

shows conflict of interest = shows a conflict (or the conflict....

proof of Japanese strong culture = proof of the Japanese's strong...

role of female position = role of a (the) female... (a few other nouns might profit from an article - definite or indefinite, but that's up to you; I only selected the most important ones.

that before to eat meat = that before eating meat (flows better) and Buddha does not need "the"

Reader learns from the father statement = The reader learns from the father's statement...

his mother reaction of spent = his mother's reaction of spending...
for the family who break = who breaks


Secondly, the previous actions in the play reveal a conflict of interest between the younger daughter and her older father. During a conversation between them, Japanese strong culture and belief in arranged marriages is evident, as well as the specific role of women in Japanese society at that time. However, the daughter's exposure to Western ideology through her neighbor, Ishimto, changes her perspective on Japanese culture, discipline, and way of life. The daughter views the tradition of sitting motionless for hours as a way to connect with their past, culture, wise men, and the courageous lives of historical heroines as a form of punishment. Furthermore, the father mentions that eating meat was once seen as a loathsome evil due to the Buddha's prohibition against killing animals. Through this statement, the reader understands the controversy surrounding their first family dinner with meat, and the mother's reaction of spending the whole day in her room at her personal shrine, praying for the family who broke a tradition that had lasted for over a thousand years. This conclusion emphasizes that the previous actions in the play reflect the generational gap between the characters.

To edit this paragraph, you can focus on the following points:

1. Clarify the connection between the daughter's exploration of Western ideology and her changing perspective.
2. Provide more context for the tradition of sitting motionless and its significance in Japanese culture.
3. Expand on the controversy surrounding the family's first dinner with meat, including the reaction of both the mother and other family members.
4. Ensure that the conclusion effectively highlights the generational gap between the characters.