write the ratio as a fraction in lowest terms. compare in hrs.

50 hours to 3 days.

is it 50/12

50/(3 * 24) = 50/72 = 25/36

To write the ratio as a fraction in lowest terms, we need to convert the units to the same type. In this case, we'll convert the 3 days to hours.

Since 1 day has 24 hours, we can multiply the 3 days by 24 to convert it to hours:
3 days * 24 hours/day = 72 hours

Now we have a ratio of 50 hours to 72 hours. To express this as a fraction, we can write it as:

To simplify this fraction further, we can find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 50 and 72, and then divide both numerator and denominator by the GCD.

The GCD of 50 and 72 is 2. So, we divide both numbers by 2:
50/2 = 25
72/2 = 36

Therefore, the ratio of 50 hours to 3 days expressed as a fraction in lowest terms is 25/36.