Let F(s)=5s2+1s+4. Find a value of d greater than 0 such that the average rate of change of F(s)from 0 to d equals the instantaneous rate of change of F(s)at s=1.


average= (finalF(s)-initialF(s))/d
= (5d^2+d+4-4)/d= 5d+1

11=5d+1 solve for d.

I assume that your function is

F(s) = 5s^2 +s + 4.

The instantaneous rate of change of F at s=1 is the value of the derivative at s=1. The derivative is F'(x) = 10s + 1. When s = 1, F' is 11.

The average rate of change of F from 0 to d is [F(d) - F(0)]/d. That equals
(5d^2 + d + 4 - 4)/d = 5d + 1

Set 5d +1 = 11 and solve for d.

I leave that part for you.

To find a value of d such that the average rate of change of F(s) from 0 to d equals the instantaneous rate of change of F(s) at s=1, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the average rate of change of F(s) from 0 to d.
To calculate the average rate of change, we use the formula:
Average rate of change = (F(d) - F(0)) / (d - 0)

Step 2: Find the instantaneous rate of change of F(s) at s = 1.
To find the instantaneous rate of change, we need to find the derivative of F(s) and evaluate it at s = 1.

Step 3: Set the average rate of change equal to the instantaneous rate of change and solve for d.
We can equate the average rate of change calculated in step 1 with the instantaneous rate of change calculated in step 2 and solve for d.

Let's perform these steps:

Step 1: Find the average rate of change of F(s) from 0 to d.
Average rate of change = (F(d) - F(0)) / (d - 0)
Inserting the equation for F(s) and simplifying:
Average rate of change = (5d^2 + d + 4 - (5(0)^2 + 0 + 4)) / (d - 0)
Average rate of change = (5d^2 + d + 4 - 4) / d
Average rate of change = 5d^2 + d / d
Average rate of change = 5d + 1

Step 2: Find the instantaneous rate of change of F(s) at s = 1.
To find the instantaneous rate of change, we need to find the derivative of F(s) and evaluate it at s = 1.

F'(s) = d/ds (5s^2 + s + 4)
= 10s + 1

To find the instantaneous rate of change at s = 1, evaluate F'(s) at s = 1:
F'(1) = 10(1) + 1
= 10 + 1
= 11

Step 3: Set the average rate of change equal to the instantaneous rate of change and solve for d.
Average rate of change = Instantaneous rate of change
5d + 1 = 11
5d = 10
d = 10/5
d = 2

Therefore, the value of d that satisfies the given conditions is d = 2.

To find a value of d that satisfies the given criteria, we need to calculate the average rate of change of F(s) from 0 to d and the instantaneous rate of change of F(s) at s=1, and then equate them.

Let's start by calculating the average rate of change of F(s) from 0 to d. The average rate of change is given by the formula:

Average Rate of Change = (F(d) - F(0)) / (d - 0)

We're given the function F(s) = 5s^2 + s + 4. So let's substitute the values into the formula:

Average Rate of Change = (F(d) - F(0)) / (d - 0)
Average Rate of Change = (5d^2 + d + 4 - 4) / d
Average Rate of Change = (5d^2 + d) / d

Now, let's find the instantaneous rate of change of F(s) at s=1. The instantaneous rate of change at a specific point can be found by taking the derivative of the function with respect to s and then substituting the value of s=1 into the derivative.

The derivative of F(s) = 5s^2 + s + 4 is obtained by differentiating each term of the function.

F'(s) = 10s + 1

Now we substitute s=1 into the derivative:

F'(1) = 10(1) + 1
F'(1) = 11

We want the average rate of change from 0 to d to equal the instantaneous rate of change at s=1. So we set them equal:

(5d^2 + d) / d = 11

To solve this equation, we can multiply both sides by d:

5d^2 + d = 11d

Now rearrange the equation:

5d^2 - 11d + d = 0
5d^2 - 10d = 0

Factor out the common factor, d:

d(5d - 10) = 0

From this equation, we have two possibilities:

1) d = 0

However, we're looking for a value of d greater than 0, so this solution is not valid.

2) 5d - 10 = 0

To solve for d, we isolate the variable:

5d = 10
d = 10/5
d = 2

So the value of d that satisfies the given criteria is d = 2.