how to clean up a oil spill from water without getting any of the water out?

It depends on the oil, and the temperature of the water.

Cleaning up an oil spill from water without removing the water is a complex task that requires specialized equipment and techniques. Here is a general explanation of the process involved:

1. Containment: The first step is to prevent the oil from spreading further. This can be done by using booms or barriers made of absorbent materials to encircle the affected area.

2. Skimming: Skimmers are used to remove the oil from the surface of the water. There are various types of skimmers available, such as weir skimmers, drum skimmers, and suction skimmers. These devices float on the water's surface and use a combination of physical and mechanical mechanisms to collect the oil.

3. Absorption: Absorbent materials, like sorbent pads or booms, can be used to soak up the oil that is floating on the water's surface. These materials have a high affinity for oil and can effectively absorb it, allowing for its removal.

4. Dispersants: Chemical dispersants can be used to break down the oil into smaller droplets, which can then be more easily dispersed throughout the water column. This process increases the rate at which the oil naturally degrades, although it does not completely eliminate it.

5. Biological agents: Bioremediation involves introducing specialized bacteria or enzymes that can break down the oil into harmless substances. This process assists in the natural degradation of the oil and can help speed up the cleanup process.

6. Monitoring and removal: Throughout the cleanup operation, regular monitoring of the area is crucial to assess the progress and identify any remaining oil. Any residual oil can be removed using techniques such as vacuum trucks, absorbent materials, or specialized skimmers.

It's important to note that effectively cleaning up an oil spill without removing the water requires professional expertise and equipment due to the potentially dangerous nature of the task. In real-world scenarios, it is advisable to contact the appropriate authorities or specialized cleanup companies to ensure the spill is handled correctly and safely.