how do you find the valule of the ratio 7X9 : 8X7?

7X9=63 8X7=56

so 63:56 is your answer

divide top and bottom by 7


To find the value of the ratio 7x9 : 8x7, you need to simplify the ratio by dividing each term by their greatest common divisor.

Step 1: Find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 7x9 and 8x7.
- GCD(7x9, 8x7) = GCD(63, 56)

Step 2: Simplify the terms of the ratio by dividing each term by the GCD.
- 7x9 ÷ GCD(63, 56) = 7x9 ÷ 7 = 9
- 8x7 ÷ GCD(63, 56) = 8x7 ÷ 7 = 8

Step 3: Write the simplified ratio.
- The simplified ratio 7x9 : 8x7 is 9 : 8.

Therefore, the value of the ratio 7x9 : 8x7 is 9 : 8.