I am completly lost on this question. Any suggestions? I am not asking for it to be answered, just need some leads! Thanks in advance.


Great Britain had many military victories during the war but was unable to gain political control. How did the actions of the colonies, Great Britain, and France contribute to the outcome of the war?

What war are you talking about?

Seven Years War

Sure! This question requires you to analyze the actions of the colonies, Great Britain, and France and their impact on the outcome of the war. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started:

1. Research the actions of the colonies: Look into the various strategies, military engagements, and alliances formed by the American colonies during the war. Investigate key events such as the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the Battle of Saratoga, and the Siege of Yorktown. Consider how the colonies' actions strengthened their position and contributed to the ultimate outcome.

2. Examine the actions of Great Britain: Explore the military campaigns, policies, and overall strategies employed by the British during the war. Look into notable events like the British occupation of major cities, the British military superiority, and the impact of British alliances with Native American tribes. Analyze how effective or ineffective these actions were in terms of gaining political control over the colonies.

3. Consider the role of France: Investigate the French involvement in the American Revolutionary War. Research their motivations for aiding the American colonists and the military support they provided. Look into key events like the Battle of Saratoga, where French assistance played a crucial role. Analyze how French intervention affected the outcome of the war and the political control that Great Britain could establish.

By examining the actions of the colonies, Great Britain, and France, you can gain a better understanding of their contributions to the outcome of the war and the reasons behind Great Britain's inability to gain political control. Remember to look for primary and secondary sources from reputable historians to support your analysis and arguments. Good luck!