Research the affects of the four types of punishment—retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and societal protection—in relation to today’s American society, as outlined in the Summing Up table on p. 182. Try search terms such as “effects of retribution on American society.”

Hmmm! It looks like your instructor wants YOU to do this research.

To research the effects of the four types of punishment (retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, and societal protection) on today's American society, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by locating the Summing Up table on page 182 that outlines the effects of these four types of punishment in the source material you are referencing.

2. Gather the necessary information from the table, noting the specific effects of each type of punishment on American society.

3. Next, go to a search engine (such as Google) and enter specific search terms related to the effects of retribution on American society. For example, you could search for "effects of retribution on American society," "impact of retribution on contemporary American society," or similar variations.

4. Review the search results and focus on reputable sources such as academic journals, books, or articles from credible publications. These sources are more likely to provide reliable information and analysis.

5. Read through the available sources, looking for relevant information and data that discuss the effects of retribution on American society. Be sure to consider different perspectives and arguments to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

6. Take notes on the information you find useful, including any statistics or evidence supporting the stated effects of retribution on American society.

7. Repeat the same process for the other three types of punishment - deterrence, rehabilitation, and societal protection. Use specific search terms related to each type to find relevant information.

8. Once you have collected data and information for each type of punishment, analyze and summarize the effects in relation to today's American society. Look for commonalities, differences, and any contrasting viewpoints.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you use and consider the reliability of the information presented. Avoid relying solely on biased or opinionated sources, and aim for a balanced understanding of the topic by considering various perspectives.