need to know what this assingment means; find an ethnic group to you personally and write about it. Does he want us to find our ethnic group or what?

i would just use my own ethnic group


Based on the assignment prompt, the task is to find an ethnic group that has personal significance to you and write about it. To understand it more clearly, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify your ethnic background: Begin by figuring out your own ethnic heritage or background. This could include your family's cultural origins, ancestry, or any other ethnic group you feel connected to.

2. Research the ethnic group: Once you have identified an ethnic group that is personally significant to you, conduct research to gather information about that group. Explore its history, cultural practices, traditions, customs, language, food, clothing, art, or any other aspects that resonate with you.

3. Reflect on personal connections: Consider how this ethnic group has influenced your own life, identity, values, or experiences. Reflect on whether you have any family members, personal stories, or memories related to this ethnic group that you can include in your assignment.

4. Write about your findings: Use the collected information and personal connections to write a detailed description or analysis of the ethnic group you have chosen. You can discuss its significance to you, its impact on your identity, the importance of cultural diversity, or any other relevant topics.

Remember, if you have any further questions or doubts, don't hesitate to seek clarification from your instructor to ensure that you fulfill the assignment's requirements.