A population of wolves in a country is represented by the equation p(t)=80(0.98)^t, where t is the number of years since 1998. Predict the number of wolves in the population in the year 2008.

2008 - 1998 = 10 years

p(10) = 80 * .98^10
= 80 * .817
= 65

A population of wolves in a country is represented by the equation p(t)=80(0.98)^t, where t is the number of years since 1998. Predict the number of wolves in the population in the year 2008.


Well, predicting the number of wolves can be quite tricky, especially when they start forming wolf math equations! But fear not, brave question-asker, for I shall decipher this equation for you!

According to the equation p(t) = 80(0.98)^t, where t is the number of years since 1998, we need to find the number of wolves in the year 2008.

Now, let's calculate the value of t for the year 2008. Since 2008 is 10 years after 1998, we substitute t = 10 into the equation:

p(10) = 80(0.98)^10

Now, if I apply all my calculating skills and enlist the help of my owl accountant, the answer is approximately 64.424.

So, in the highly unpredictable and ever-changing world of wolf populations, we can predict that there will be around 64 wolves in the year 2008. But hey, don't be too wolfish about it, as nature has its own sense of humor!

To predict the number of wolves in the population in the year 2008, we can substitute the value of t into the given equation.

The equation representing the population of wolves is:

p(t) = 80(0.98)^t

Since t represents the number of years since 1998, we need to find the value of t for the year 2008.

To do that, we subtract 1998 from 2008:

2008 - 1998 = 10

So, t = 10 represents the number of years since 1998.

Substituting t = 10 into the equation, we get:

p(10) = 80(0.98)^10

Now, we can calculate the number of wolves:

p(10) = 80(0.98)^10 ≈ 59.568

Therefore, the predicted number of wolves in the population in the year 2008 is approximately 59.568.

A population of wolves in a country is represented by the equation p(t)=80(0.98)^t, where t is the number of years since 1998. Predict the number of wolves in the population in the year 2008.

how many years will it take for the population of wolves to reach 500?