

Based on the analogy "glue:sticks," where the word "glue" is related to the word "sticks," we can try to find a similar relationship between "thorns" and another word.

One possibility is "plants." Both "thorns" and "plants" are often found in nature. Just like glue sticks things together, thorns can also be seen as a protective feature of certain plants that stick out to deter predators and protect the plant.

However, it's important to note that analogies can have multiple correct answers, and this is just one possible correlation based on the given analogy.

To find the word that completes the analogy "glue:sticks::thorns:???????", we need to identify the relationship between "glue" and "sticks" and apply that same relationship to "thorns".

In this case, "glue" and "sticks" are related in that "sticks" are often used with or applied to "glue". So, the missing word should be something that is often used with or applied to "thorns".

One word that fits this relationship is "rose". "Thorns" are a characteristic feature of roses and are often found along with them.

Therefore, the word that completes the analogy is "rose".
