how to do 3 squares with 12 sticks

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Sorry again.

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To make 3 squares using 12 sticks, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with two of the sticks and place them parallel to each other, with a small distance between them. These sticks will serve as the sides of two squares.

Step 2: Use two more sticks to connect the ends of the first two sticks, forming a square. These sticks will serve as the top and bottom sides of the first square.

Step 3: Take the remaining two sticks and connect the open ends of the first square's top and bottom sides. These sticks will serve as the left and right sides of the second square.

Step 4: Now, take three more sticks and form a second square similar to the first one by connecting its edges with those of the first square. This will create the third square.

In total, you have used 8 sticks to create the first two squares and 4 sticks to form the third square.