Arianna is 25 years older tha Emma. In 15 years, Arianna will be twice as old as Emma. What will their ages be in 15 years?


A+15= 2(E+15)
A, E ages now, add 15 to get new age.

x=x+25 (x+15)2=x+25+15

2x + 30=x + 40
2x-x = 40-30
x=30 = emma
10+25=35 that is arinna

To determine their ages in 15 years, we need to first find their current ages.

Let's assume Emma's age is E. According to the problem, Arianna is 25 years older than Emma, so Arianna's age would be E + 25.

In 15 years, Emma's age would be E + 15, and Arianna's age would be (E + 25) + 15, which simplifies to E + 40.

From the second part of the problem, it states that in 15 years, Arianna will be twice as old as Emma. So we can set up the equation: E + 40 = 2(E + 15).

Now let's solve for E:

E + 40 = 2E + 30
40 - 30 = 2E - E
10 = E

Emma's current age is 10.

To find Arianna's age, we substitute E = 10 into the equation E + 25.

Arianna's current age is 10 + 25 = 35.

Now that we have their current ages, we can find their ages in 15 years:

Emma's age in 15 years: 10 + 15 = 25
Arianna's age in 15 years: 35 + 15 = 50

Therefore, Emma's age will be 25 and Arianna's age will be 50 in 15 years.