Make sure to identify:

• Your expectation of use of research by you in the workplace (ie: user, researcher, contributor)

May i knoe what this quesiton is asking!!! thnx

How do you expect to use research in your job?


This question is asking you to identify how you expect to use research in your workplace. Specifically, you need to consider whether you will be a user of research, someone who carries out the research, or a contributor to research. Let's break down these three roles:

1. User of research: If you expect to be a user of research in the workplace, it means you will rely on existing research findings to inform your work. You may use research to make informed decisions, develop strategies, solve problems, or support your arguments or recommendations. As a user, you do not conduct research yourself but rather apply existing research to your work.

2. Researcher: If you expect to be a researcher in the workplace, it means you will be responsible for planning, conducting, and analyzing research. Your role will involve designing and implementing research studies, collecting data, analyzing findings, and generating new knowledge or insights. As a researcher, you will contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

3. Contributor to research: If you expect to be a contributor to research in the workplace, it means you will participate in research efforts without being the primary researcher. You may assist in data collection, data analysis, literature reviews, or other research-related tasks. Your contributions help support the research process and findings.

To answer the question, consider which role you anticipate playing in your workplace based on your skills, interests, and job responsibilities.