Copper metal reacts with dilute nitric acid in the absence of air. Which products are present?

1. copper (II) nitrate, nitrogen monoxide, and hydrogen gas
2. copper (I) nitrate, water and hydrogen gas
3. copper (II) nitrate, nitrogen monoxide and water
4. copper(I) nitrate and water
5. copper (III) nitrate, nitrogen monoxide and water

Is it 3. copper (II) nitrate, nitrogen monoxide and water?

The operative word is dilute..


Yes, your answer is correct. When copper metal reacts with dilute nitric acid in the absence of air, the products formed are copper (II) nitrate, nitrogen monoxide, and water. The balanced chemical equation for the reaction is:

Cu + 4HNO3 -> Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO + 2H2O

So, copper (II) nitrate (Cu(NO3)2) is one of the products, along with nitrogen monoxide (NO) and water (H2O).