Which of the following is an unreactive metal?

1. Na
2. Au
3. Rn
4. Ra
5. Cl

Is it 2. Au?

I don't like the word unreactive. But Gold is quite resistant to many reactions. But gold can react to form compounds, gold ligands being quite common.

Gold is the least reactive of the 5, though, correct?


Yes, you are correct. Gold (Au) is an unreactive metal. In order to determine this, you can consider the reactivity series of metals. The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in order of their reactivity, with the most reactive metal at the top and the least reactive metal at the bottom.

Metals like sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are highly reactive and easily react with other elements or compounds. Therefore, they are not considered unreactive metals. Chlorine (Cl), on the other hand, is a non-metal and not a metal at all.

Gold (Au), on the other hand, is known for its unreactivity. It does not readily react with most other substances, making it widely used in jewelry and other applications. Therefore, option 2, Au, is the correct answer.