Consider the right circular cone shown. If the radius of the circular base remains the same and the height varies, what are the minimum surface area and minimum volume the cone

can have?

To find the minimum surface area and minimum volume of a right circular cone when the radius of the circular base remains the same and the height varies, we need to apply mathematical optimization.

Let's denote the radius of the circular base as 'r' and the height of the cone as 'h'. The surface area of a cone is given by the equation:

A = πr² + πr√(r² + h²)

The volume of a cone is given by the equation:

V = (1/3)πr²h

To find the minimum surface area and minimum volume, we can differentiate both equations with respect to 'h' and set the derivatives equal to zero. By solving these equations, we can find the values of 'h' that minimize the surface area and volume.

1. Finding the minimum surface area:
Differentiating the surface area equation with respect to 'h', we get:

dA/dh = πr²/h + πr²h/√(r² + h²) - πr²h²/(r² + h²)^(3/2)

Setting dA/dh = 0 and solving for 'h', we find:

πr²/h + πr²h/√(r² + h²) - πr²h²/(r² + h²)^(3/2) = 0

Simplifying this equation may require the use of numerical methods or approximations.

2. Finding the minimum volume:
Differentiating the volume equation with respect to 'h', we get:

dV/dh = (1/3)πr² - (1/3)πr²h²/(r² + h²)

Setting dV/dh = 0 and solving for 'h', we find:

(1/3)πr² - (1/3)πr²h²/(r² + h²) = 0

Simplifying this equation may also require the use of numerical methods or approximations.

Once we find the values of 'h' that minimize the surface area and volume, we can substitute these values back into the respective equations to obtain the minimum surface area and minimum volume of the cone.