3. Which of the follwoing statements about sexual and asexual reproduction is FALSE?

a. genetic diversity occurs in sexual reproduction
b. asexually reproducing organisms can repair their own DNA
c. there are no special reproductive celss in asexual reproduction
d. a gametophyte produces haploid cells in the alternation of generations from sexual reproduction


Can I just know if my answer's correct or not?


A lot of folks assume it is true, but in reality, not all asexual diploids repair all damage. Mutations do occur, mutations can be chemically induced or by radiation.

So go with B, the other answers are worse.

Yes, that's correct. Statement b is false. Asexually reproducing organisms do not repair their own DNA. DNA repair mechanisms are more commonly associated with sexual reproduction, where genetic diversity is increased through recombination and crossing over.

To determine which of the following statements about sexual and asexual reproduction is false, we need to evaluate each statement individually.

a. Genetic diversity occurs in sexual reproduction: This statement is true. In sexual reproduction, genetic diversity is achieved through the combination of genetic material from two parents, resulting in offspring that inherit a unique combination of genes.

b. Asexually reproducing organisms can repair their own DNA: This statement is true. Asexually reproducing organisms have mechanisms to repair damage to their DNA, just like sexually reproducing organisms do.

c. There are no special reproductive cells in asexual reproduction: This statement is false. Asexual reproduction involves the production of specialized reproductive cells (such as spores, budding structures, or vegetative parts) that are responsible for generating new individuals.

d. A gametophyte produces haploid cells in the alternation of generations from sexual reproduction: This statement is true. In the alternation of generations life cycle, the gametophyte generation produces haploid gametes through the process of mitosis. These gametes then fuse during fertilization to form a diploid zygote, which gives rise to the next generation.

Therefore, the false statement among the given options is not statement B, but rather statement C.