What is 32 expressed in simplest radical form?

32 = √1024

or did you mean √32 ?

if so, then
√32 = √16 x √2
= 4√2

It’s 8

To express a number in simplest radical form, we need to simplify the square root of that number as much as possible.

To simplify the square root of 32, we can start by determining the prime factorization of 32.

The prime factorization of 32 is 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2, or written in exponent form as 2^5.

Next, we can look for pairs of identical factors inside the square root. In this case, we have two pairs of 2's. We can take one of each pair out of the square root and write it as a single factor outside the square root.

After simplification, the square root of 32 becomes 2 * 2 * sqrt(2), or written more simply as 4sqrt(2).

Therefore, 32 expressed in simplest radical form is 4sqrt(2).