what is going on when one see's in his or herself something that they need to change, but they make the decision not to do so? How does this happen?

Linda: It is because of the nature of man, we are comfortable with what we are, and are complacent to live with it.

Until we become angry or frustrated with what we are, we won't change.

Those remarks, albeit very religious in nature, point out it is what we are inward that determines our nature.

See my response to your first post.

When someone recognizes something within themselves that they need to change but consciously decides not to do so, it can be attributed to several factors. Let's break down how this can happen:

1. Lack of Awareness: Sometimes people face difficulties in recognizing their own flaws or areas for improvement. Self-awareness plays a crucial role in identifying personal mistakes or behavior patterns that need changing. Without being fully aware of these issues, individuals may not feel compelled to take action.

2. Fear of Change: Change can be intimidating and uncomfortable, even if it is for the better. People may resist making changes due to the fear of the unknown or the potential challenges that come with transformation. It is easier to stay within the comfort zone, even if it means acknowledging the need for change but not acting upon it.

3. Lack of Motivation: When the desire to change is not strong enough, it becomes easy to procrastinate or avoid taking action. This lack of motivation arises from a variety of reasons, such as feeling overwhelmed, experiencing low self-esteem, or not fully understanding the benefits that change can bring.

4. Emotional Attachments: Sometimes, individuals hold onto habits, behaviors, or beliefs that no longer serve them due to emotional attachments. These attachments could stem from childhood experiences, personal history, or deep-rooted beliefs that are difficult to let go of, even when recognizing the need for change.

5. External Influence: People's decisions can be greatly influenced by the opinions or actions of others. If there is a lack of support or encouragement from those around them, individuals may be less likely to initiate the change they recognize within themselves.

Understanding the underlying reasons behind the decision to not change is crucial in order to address them effectively. It often requires self-reflection, identifying any barriers or resistance, setting clear goals, and seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals to overcome these challenges and move towards personal growth and positive transformation.