All of the following account for nativist sentiment against the New immigrants of the late 19th century EXCEPT that the immigrants

a. practiced different religions
b. had different languages and cultures
c. were willing to work for lower wages than were native born workers
d. were not familiar with the United States political system
e. dominated the professions of law, medicine and engineering

sue's answer doesnt help at all. thanks alot i failed

Dude, it's clearly E

the answer is E

To determine the correct answer, we need to examine each option and see if it contributes to nativist sentiment against the New immigrants of the late 19th century.

a. "Practiced different religions": This could contribute to nativist sentiment because it may create cultural and religious differences that could be seen as a threat to the existing social order.

b. "Had different languages and cultures": This is similar to option (a) and could contribute to nativist sentiment for the same reasons.

c. "Were willing to work for lower wages than were native-born workers": This is a valid point because it is often believed that immigrants willing to work for lower wages can drive down wages for native-born workers. This economic argument was an important factor in fostering nativist sentiment.

d. "Were not familiar with the United States political system": Lack of familiarity with the political system could contribute to nativist sentiment because it may be seen as a threat to the stability and traditions of the country.

e. "Dominated the professions of law, medicine, and engineering": This option suggests that immigrants were successful in certain professions, which would not contribute to nativist sentiment. Instead, it might generate respect and admiration for their achievements.

Based on the given options, the correct answer would be (e) "Dominated the professions of law, medicine, and engineering." This option actually contradicts nativist sentiment because it indicates success and professional achievements of the immigrants.

Most of the immigrants spoke different languages, had different religions and cultures, and were unskilled laborers.

Does that give you a clue? What do you think the answer is?