Mrs.Sue how do you explane that 5.5 is to the right of 5 1/4 on the number line.:)

You convert them both to decimals or both to fractions.

5.5 = 5 2/4
5 1/4 = 5.25

Going from smaller to larger . . .

5 1/4 . . . 5 2/4

5.25 . . . 5.5

So how should I explain that?:(

Numbers get larger the farther to the right they are on the number line.

Thank you sooooooooo much!:)

You're soooooo very welcome. :-)

To explain why 5.5 is to the right of 5 1/4 on the number line, we need to understand how to compare and locate numbers on a number line. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Understand the number line
A number line is a horizontal line where numbers are represented in increasing order from left to right. The position of each number on the number line is determined by its value.

Step 2: Identify the given numbers
In this case, we are given two numbers: 5 1/4 and 5.5.

Step 3: Convert the mixed number to a decimal
To compare the numbers accurately, we need to convert the mixed number 5 1/4 to a decimal. Here's how you do it:
- Multiply the whole number (5) by the denominator (4): 5 * 4 = 20
- Add the result to the numerator (1) to get the fractional portion: 20 + 1 = 21
- Write the fractional portion as a fraction over the original denominator: 21/4 or 5.25 in decimal form

Step 4: Locate the numbers on the number line
Draw a number line and mark the positions for both numbers:
- Start by plotting 5.25 (5 1/4) on the number line. Since it is a decimal between 5 and 6, you can estimate the position closer to 6, but not quite there yet.
- Now, plot 5.5. It falls after 5.25, but before 6.

Step 5: Observe the relationship
When you compare the two positions on the number line, you can see that the point for 5.5 is further to the right of the point for 5 1/4. This means that 5.5 is indeed to the right of 5 1/4 on the number line.