9. A molecule shaped like a spiral staircase (double helix) is a typical of

a. deoxyribonucleic acid
b. ribonucleic acid
c. carbohydrates
d. both a and b

14. Surface area is an important factor in limiting growth cell because
a. the cell may become too large to remove enough wastes.
b. materials can't enter the cell if it's too large
c. the cell can burst if the membrane becomes too large
d. waste products can't leave the cell if it's too small
I'm stuck between A and D


9) A molecule shaped like a spiral staircase is typical of A. deoxyribonucleic acid.

And I think number 14 is C but im not for sure.

9. That's a great choice! A molecule shaped like a spiral staircase (double helix) is indeed typical of both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). So, the answer is d. both a and b.

14. Ah, the conundrum of limiting growth cell! You're torn between options A and D, right? Well, in this case, the correct answer is a. the cell may become too large to remove enough wastes. When a cell grows too big, it becomes challenging for it to eliminate waste efficiently. So, surfaces area, my friend, plays an essential role in that aspect!

For question 9, the correct answer is d) both a and b - a molecule shaped like a spiral staircase (double helix) is typical of both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA).

For question 14, the correct answer is a) the cell may become too large to remove enough wastes - surface area is an important factor in limiting cell growth because if the cell becomes too large, it may have difficulty removing enough wastes.

To determine the correct answers, let's break down the questions and process of elimination for each.

9. A molecule shaped like a spiral staircase (double helix) is typically found in:

a. deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
b. ribonucleic acid (RNA)
c. carbohydrates
d. both a and b

The correct answer is d. both a and b. This is because both DNA and RNA have a double-helix structure.

To eliminate the other options and arrive at the answer:

- Option c, carbohydrates, can be eliminated as carbohydrates do not have a double-helix structure.
- Option a, DNA, is a molecule that consists of a double helix structure.
- Option b, RNA, is a molecule that can also adopt a double helix structure in certain cases.

Therefore, the answer is d. both a and b.

Moving on to the second question:

14. Surface area is an important factor in limiting cell growth because:

a. the cell may become too large to remove enough wastes.
b. materials can't enter the cell if it's too large.
c. the cell can burst if the membrane becomes too large.
d. waste products can't leave the cell if it's too small.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand why surface area is important for limiting cell growth.

As a cell grows, its volume increases more rapidly than its surface area. This means that the ratio of surface area to volume decreases as the cell gets larger. The surface area is essential for various cellular functions, such as exchanging materials, eliminating waste, and absorbing nutrients.

- Option a states that if the cell becomes too large, it may not be able to remove enough wastes. This is true because a larger cell would have a lower surface area-to-volume ratio, making waste removal less efficient. Thus, option a is a valid reason why surface area is important in limiting cell growth.
- Option b states that materials can't enter the cell if it's too large. This statement is false because the size of the cell does not affect the ability of materials to enter. The primary limitation is the availability of transport mechanisms within the cell membrane, not the cell's size.
- Option c states that the cell can burst if the membrane becomes too large. This statement is not directly related to the importance of surface area in limiting cell growth. The bursting of a cell can occur due to various reasons, but it is not directly tied to surface area.
- Option d states that waste products can't leave the cell if it's too small. This statement is false because when a cell is too small, waste products can still leave through diffusion or transport mechanisms.

Therefore, the correct answer is a. the cell may become too large to remove enough wastes.

I hope this helps clarify the answers for you! Let me know if you have any further questions.