I had a conversation with the boss of a building firm who were working at our property. I was complaining of shoddy workmanship etc and he said he would have a word with them although he said he would have to careful as they are ??????? and are likely to walk off the job if upset. The word he used was perfect although not one in regular use and I have never been able to recall it. It would be a word like PETULANT. I have looked on THESAURUS but no luck.

Any ideas anyone.



This is more than just a dictionary or thesaurus -- you might have luck finding what you want in here. Be sure to scroll down.


Based on the context you provided, it seems like you are looking for a word that means "easily angered" or "prone to walking off a job if upset" similar to "petulant".

One possibility that comes to mind is "temperamental". This word refers to someone who is easily upset or prone to sudden changes in mood or behavior.

To confirm if this is the word you're looking for, you can try searching for it in an online dictionary or thesaurus.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to search for words in a thesaurus online:

1. Open a web browser and go to a popular online thesaurus website such as Thesaurus.com or Merriam-Webster.com.
2. Enter the word "temperamental" into the search bar.
3. Click the search button or hit enter.
4. Look through the list of synonyms and related words provided by the thesaurus. Pay attention to the definitions and usage examples to see if any match the word you are looking for.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the word you are trying to recall. If "temperamental" doesn't seem to be the correct word, you can try other similar words such as "volatile", "capricious", or "moody".