27. Choose the label that best describes the verb in the sentence.

We have been preparing for the track meet all month.
(Points: 5)
present perfect progressive
past perfect progressive
present perfect
present progressive

28. Which of the following sentences contains a shift in tense? (Points: 5)
Reading biographies helps you understand how the world works.
No, I don't think that tweed goes with stretch pants that have ruffles.
Sure, it is easy to dye clothes if you know how.
The sky was clear and blue, and suddenly it starts raining.

29. Identify the sentence with the passive voice verb. (Points: 5)
Their apartment was small but very interesting.
Did you take that photograph with the digital camera?
Were those valuable old records stored properly?
Aren't those my old ice skates?

30. Identify the sentence with the active voice verb. (Points: 5)
The map was hidden behind a secret panel in the wall.
The stairs had been designed in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
The artists themselves will choose our winner.
Have the lights been turned off in the theater yet?

i am so confused it really making me have an attack this is a practice test from last year for my study guide

Please type the verbs in all capital letters. Then indicate which label best describes each verb by typing an X before your choices.

27. have been preparing = present perfect progressive (have = present perfect; been preparing = progressive)


28. shift in tense
Reading biographies helps you understand how the world works. (both verbs are present tense; no shift)

No, I don't think that tweed goes with stretch pants that have ruffles. (both verbs are present tense; no shift)

Sure, it is easy to dye clothes if you know how. (both verbs are present tense; no shift)

The sky was clear and blue, and suddenly it starts raining. (uh-oh -- tell me about the verb tenses in this sentence?)

29. passive voice verb = when the subject is not doing the action or when there is a simple linking verb -- which one, do you think?

Their apartment was small but very interesting.

Did you take that photograph with the digital camera?

Were those valuable old records stored properly?

Aren't those my old ice skates?

30. active voice verb = the subject IS doing the action of the verb -- which one, do you think:

The map was hidden behind a secret panel in the wall.

The stairs had been designed in the latter half of the nineteenth century.

The artists themselves will choose our winner.

Have the lights been turned off in the theater yet?

gime 30 sentences of ice skating in different tence.

27. To determine the label that best describes the verb in the sentence "We have been preparing for the track meet all month," we need to analyze the verb tense and aspect. The verb in this sentence is "have been preparing." "Have been" indicates the present perfect progressive tense, which suggests that the action started in the past and is still ongoing in the present. Therefore, the correct label is "present perfect progressive."

28. To identify the sentence that contains a shift in tense, we need to compare the tenses used within each sentence. In the sentence "The sky was clear and blue, and suddenly it starts raining," there is a shift in tense between "was" (past tense) and "starts" (present tense). Therefore, this sentence contains a shift in tense.

29. To identify the sentence with the passive voice verb, we need to determine if the subject is receiving the action rather than performing the action. In the sentence "Their apartment was small but very interesting," the subject "apartment" is receiving the action "was" (small but interesting), indicating the passive voice. Therefore, this sentence has a passive voice verb.

30. To identify the sentence with the active voice verb, we need to determine if the subject is performing the action. In the sentence "The artists themselves will choose our winner," the subject "artists" is actively performing the action "will choose," indicating the active voice. Therefore, this sentence has an active voice verb.