hi can someone please post a website where I can do free grade 9 math exam practice.. i have already tried proprof but they are full...

please help me ! my question has been posted up for a long time


Of course! If you're looking for a website where you can find free grade 9 math exam practice, here's a step-by-step process to help you:

1. Visit the Khan Academy website: Go to https://www.khanacademy.org.

2. Click on the "Subjects" dropdown menu: At the top left corner of the Khan Academy homepage, you'll see a dropdown menu titled "Subjects." Click on it.

3. Select "Math": In the dropdown menu, you'll find various subjects. Scroll down and select "Math."

4. Choose the grade level: After selecting math, you'll come across different grade levels. Find and click on "Grade 9."

5. Explore the available resources: Within the Grade 9 math section, you'll find various resources, including video lessons, practice exercises, and quizzes. Browse through the topics and select the exam-related ones that you need.

6. Practice exam-style questions: Within each topic, you'll find a variety of practice questions. These questions are excellent for exam preparation as they cover different concepts and problem-solving techniques.

By following these steps, you'll be able to access free grade 9 math exam practice resources on the Khan Academy website. Remember to explore other options like YouTube tutorials or downloading mobile apps specifically designed for math practice, as they can be useful as well. Good luck with your exam preparation!