1.Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by a vapor when condensation

A. <
B. =
C. >
evaporation over its liquid in a closed system.

2.Evaporation is an

A. endothermic
B. exothermic

process, because when a substance evaporates it must

A. absorb
B. release
energy to(from) its surroundings.

Here is the answer to #1.


For #2, can't you reason through this? What must you do to a pot of water to make it evaporate. Do you heat it or cool it? Does that mean it is endothermic or exothermic? Endothermic means it is absorbing heat. Exothermic means it is releasing heat.

from UCI!!!!!

1 is equal bc of equilibrium

2 is endothermic bc of absorbing heat

3 is absorb....bc it is endothermic


all finish!

1. To determine the correct answer for the first question, we need to understand the concept of vapor pressure. Vapor pressure is the pressure exerted by a vapor when evaporation and condensation are in equilibrium over its liquid in a closed system.

When condensation of vapor is favored, it means there is a higher concentration of vapor molecules turning back into liquid state, which leads to a decrease in the vapor pressure. On the other hand, when evaporation of liquid is favored, it means there is a higher concentration of liquid molecules turning into vapor state, which leads to an increase in the vapor pressure.

Based on this understanding, the correct answer to the question is:

C. >

Vapor pressure is greater than the pressure exerted by condensation over its liquid in a closed system.

2. To determine the correct answers for the second question, we need to understand the process of evaporation.

Evaporation is the process by which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas state at a temperature below its boiling point. During this process, some molecules at the surface of the liquid gain enough kinetic energy to escape the attractive forces of the liquid and enter the gas phase.

Since the molecules are absorbing energy from the surroundings to gain the kinetic energy required for evaporation, evaporation is an:

A. endothermic

process. This means that energy is absorbed from the surroundings during evaporation.

To answer the second part of the question, we can determine whether the energy absorbed during evaporation is released to or from the surroundings. In this case, the correct answer is:

A. absorb

Energy is absorbed from the surroundings during evaporation.