if i state that France has a population of 64.1 million

do i have to cite this? :S

Where did you find this information? Certainly it didn't come to you out of thin air, right?

Yes, you need to cite it, and you need to state the year in which France had this particular population number.

THANKS...that reallly explains...i really learned something right now...thnx again!:D

You're very welcome! =)

Whether or not you need to cite the information depends on the context in which you are stating it. In general, if you are stating a factual piece of information that is widely known or easily verifiable, such as the population of France, you may not need to provide a citation. However, if you are writing a research paper, an academic article, or any other formal piece of writing, it is typically expected that you cite the source of your information.

To determine if a fact needs to be cited, consider the following:

1. Is it common knowledge? If the information is widely known and can be easily found in multiple sources, it is usually considered common knowledge and does not require a citation. However, what is considered common knowledge may vary depending on the audience and the field of study.

2. Is it a specific or unique piece of information? If the fact is not widely known or if it is a specific statistic or detail, it is better to cite the source. This helps to provide evidence for your claim and allows your readers to access the original source for further information.

3. What is the purpose and context of your writing? If you are writing for academic or research purposes, it is generally best practice to include citations to support your arguments and demonstrate your credibility as a researcher. Even in other contexts, providing a citation can help in case someone wants to verify the information or delve deeper into the topic.

In summary, while citing the population of France may not be necessary in casual conversations or informal writing, it is always a good practice to provide a citation when sharing information in formal or academic settings to ensure accuracy and give credit to the sources of information.