How do i put +/- in the y= part in a graphing calculator?

To include the plus or minus symbol (±) in the y= part of a graphing calculator, you can use the absolute value function. Follow these steps:

1. Turn on your graphing calculator and go to the function screen or the y= editor.

2. Press the key/button that represents the absolute value function (usually denoted as "|x|").

3. After pressing the absolute value key/button, you will notice a placeholder or an empty parenthesis. This is where you can input your desired equation or expression.

4. To create the ± symbol, you need to enter two different equations or expressions, one for the positive case and one for the negative case. Here's an example:

y₁ = |x+2|
y₂ = |x-2|

In this example, y₁ represents the positive case (x+2), and y₂ represents the negative case (x-2).

5. Once you have entered both equations for each case, press the "graph" button or any equivalent button on your calculator to visualize the graph.

By using the absolute value function and entering separate equations for the positive and negative cases, you can achieve the effect of a ± symbol.