a typical backyard swimming pool holds 150 yd^3 of water. what is the mass in pounds of the water?

What is the density of water in pounds/cubic foot? I think the conversion factor for cubic yards to cubic feet is 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic yard.

Convert 150 yd^3 to cubic feet.
Then mass = volume x density.
Or if you can find the density of water in pounds/yd^3, then
150 x that number = mass in pounds.

To find the mass of water in pounds, we need to know the density of water. The density of water is typically around 62.4 pounds per cubic foot.

First, let's convert cubic yards to cubic feet. Since 1 cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet, we can use the conversion factor:

150 cubic yards * 27 cubic feet/cubic yard = 4050 cubic feet

Now, we can calculate the mass by multiplying the volume of water by the density:

4050 cubic feet * 62.4 pounds/cubic foot = 252,720 pounds

Therefore, the mass of the water in a typical backyard swimming pool is approximately 252,720 pounds.

To find the mass of the water in pounds, we need to know the density of water and use the formula:

Mass = Volume × Density.

The density of water is approximately 62.4 pounds per cubic foot.

First, let's convert the volume of water from cubic yards to cubic feet:

1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet.

So, 150 cubic yards is equal to:

150 cubic yards × 27 cubic feet per yard = 4050 cubic feet.

Now, we can find the mass of the water:

Mass = 4050 cubic feet × 62.4 pounds per cubic foot.

Calculating the equation:

Mass = 253,200 pounds.

Therefore, the mass of the water in the typical backyard swimming pool is approximately 253,200 pounds.

2.5 *10^5 lbs