A 1.10- sample contains only glucose and sucrose . When the sample is dissolved in water to a total solution volume of 25.0 , the osmotic pressure of the solution is 3.78 at 298 .

A volume of 25.0 what? 3.78 what? 298 what? And what is the question?

A 1.10g- sample contains only glucose and sucrose . When the sample is dissolved in water to a total solution volume of 25.0ML , the osmotic pressure of the solution is 3.78atm at 298K

a.What is the percent by mass of glucose in the sample?

b.What is the percent by mass of sucrose in the sample?

I would do this but you must do the work. You must solve two simultaneous equation unless I've missed the boat.

Let X = grams glucose
and Y = grams sucrose.
pi = osmotic pressure = MRT
You know pi, R, and T, solve for M
Molarity = moles x L
You know L, solve for moles.
Here are the two equations.
X + Y = 1.10
(X/molar mass glucose) + (Y/molar mass sucrose) = moles.
Solve for X and Y, then you can determine percent of each.
Post your work if you get stuck.

To determine the concentration of glucose and sucrose in the solution, we can use the formula for calculating osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure (π) is given by the formula π = nRT/V, where n is the number of moles of solute, R is the ideal gas constant (0.0821 L·atm/(mol·K)), T is the temperature in Kelvin, and V is the volume of the solution in liters.

In this case, we know the osmotic pressure (π) is 3.78 atm, the temperature (T) is 298 K, and the volume (V) is 25.0 L. We need to find the number of moles of solute (n) to determine the concentration.

Let's assume the sample contains x moles of glucose and y moles of sucrose. Therefore, the total moles of solute in the solution is x + y.

We can set up two separate equations using the information given:

For glucose: (x / (x + y)) × 3.78 atm = (x / 0.0821)(298 K / 25.0 L)
For sucrose: (y / (x + y)) × 3.78 atm = (y / 0.0821)(298 K / 25.0 L)

To solve these equations, we need to make some assumptions or additional information is required. For example, the molar mass of glucose and sucrose, or the molar ratio of glucose to sucrose in the sample.

Please provide any additional information or assumptions so that we can proceed with the calculations.