help please

the equation of y= 1777x+27,153 can be used to predict the number yof gun deaths in the united states after 2000 that is x=0 corresponds is x=2000x=3 x=correspopnds to 2003 x=6 corresponds to 2003 abd so on predict the number of gun deaths in 2006 and 2009 in what year will the number be 9383.
help i have been at this for a while

it supposed to be -1777x+

To predict the number of gun deaths in specific years using the given equation, you need to substitute the corresponding values of x into the equation and solve for y. Let's go step by step:

1. Predicting the number of gun deaths in 2006:
Substitute x = 6 into the equation:
y = 1777(6) + 27,153
y = 10,662 + 27,153
y = 37,815

Therefore, the predicted number of gun deaths in 2006 is 37,815.

2. Predicting the number of gun deaths in 2009:
Substitute x = 9 into the equation:
y = 1777(9) + 27,153
y = 16,001 + 27,153
y = 43,154

Therefore, the predicted number of gun deaths in 2009 is 43,154.

3. Finding the year when the number of gun deaths is 9383:
To find the year when the number of gun deaths is 9383, we can rearrange the equation and solve for x. The equation is:

y = 1777x + 27,153

Substitute y = 9383 and solve for x:
9383 = 1777x + 27,153
Subtract 27,153 from both sides:
9383 - 27,153 = 1777x
-17,770 = 1777x
Divide both sides by 1777:
-17,770 / 1777 = x
x ≈ -10

Since we cannot have a negative value for the year, there is no real solution for x = -10. Therefore, there is no specific year when the number of gun deaths will be 9383, according to the given equation.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.