As such, each department has a different perspective on how to get things done, and what to get done. they have developed, hopefully, well defined policies procedures, as well as specific processes in order to ensure that their work gets completed in an efficient and effective manner.

What happens when these departments come in to conflict? For example, when a radiology department cannot seem to get a patient in quickly from a nurse unit due to scheduling issues. Or when maintenance needs to complete repairs on a unit and cannot because that unit is too full, or nursing will not let them do what is required because of noise concerns.

Each department is well meaning, and feels that they are in the right. But still we get such conflicts. How can the communication skills you are learning in this and other classes be helpful in resolving such issues? What process would you use as a good communicator in getting to solutions amongst competing objectives?

When departments come into conflict, it's important to have effective communication skills to help resolve the issues. Here's a process you can follow as a good communicator to find solutions amongst competing objectives:

1. Active Listening: Begin by actively listening to each department's perspective on the issue. Understand their concerns and try to see things from their point of view. This shows that you value their input and builds a foundation for open communication.

2. Facilitate Dialogue: Create a safe and respectful environment for open dialogue among the departments. Encourage them to express their opinions and concerns without interruptions or judgments. This will help foster understanding and collaboration.

3. Identify Common Goals: Look for common goals or interests among the departments involved. Though their approaches may differ, finding shared objectives can help establish common ground and facilitate collaboration.

4. Brainstorming: Encourage each department to contribute potential solutions to the conflict. Brainstorming allows everyone to share their ideas freely and promotes creativity. Encourage them to think outside the box and consider unconventional approaches.

5. Evaluate Options: Evaluate the proposed solutions based on their feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with the objectives of all departments involved. It's essential to consider the practicality and consequences of each option.

6. Negotiation and Compromise: Facilitate a negotiation process where departments can discuss their preferences and concerns regarding the potential solutions. Encourage them to be open to compromise, seeking a middle ground that considers the needs of all parties involved.

7. Decision-making: Once all options have been discussed and evaluated, make a decision that respects the interests and concerns of all departments. While it may not fully satisfy each party, it should be a fair compromise that allows the conflict to be resolved.

8. Implementation and Evaluation: Ensure that the agreed-upon solution is implemented effectively. Monitor the outcome of the decision to evaluate its success and make adjustments if necessary.

By following this process, utilizing active listening, fostering dialogue, and promoting negotiation and compromise, your communication skills can help navigate conflicts between departments and lead to solutions that satisfy competing objectives.