What kind of supporting paragraphs would go with the following topic?Scientist have discovered human remanis thought to be more then 2 million years older then Lucy Explain why


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To develop supporting paragraphs for the topic of scientists discovering human remains thought to be more than 2 million years older than Lucy, you would need to provide logical and evidence-based explanations. Here are a few possible supporting paragraphs:

1. Geological Context: In this paragraph, you can explain the geological context that supports the discovery of the ancient human remains. Discuss how the age of rock layers, fossils, or other geological evidence indicate an ancient timeframe that predates the famous Lucy specimen. Mention specific geological dating methods, such as radiometric dating, and provide examples of other ancient hominin discoveries that support the notion of an older timeline.

2. Morphological Analysis: In this paragraph, you can delve into the morphological features of the discovered human remains and compare them to those of Lucy. Explain how the physical characteristics of bones, teeth, or skull fragments provide evidence for an older time period. Discuss any unique or significant findings discovered during the analysis, such as anatomical adaptations or evolutionary traits that differentiate this ancient hominin from Lucy.

3. Archaeological Context: In this paragraph, you can explore the archaeological context surrounding the discovery of the human remains. Discuss the location, excavation methods, and artifacts found in proximity to the ancient hominin remains. Explain how the presence of stone tools, personal items, or evidence of early cultural practices in the surrounding archaeological layers supports the interpretation of an older age for the discovered human remains.

4. Research and Peer Review: In this paragraph, you can address the scientific process involved in establishing the age and significance of the human remains. Discuss how the discovery was initially made, the research methods employed, and the peer-review process undertaken for scientific validation. Explain how the consensus among experts in the field supports the finding that these human remains are indeed more than 2 million years older than Lucy.

Remember, the supporting paragraphs should include coherent explanations based on scientific evidence and research, and should logically connect to the main topic of discussion.