where can i find a list of people or several people who perform interpersonal communication skill well.

Im looking for example i can draw from to see what behaviors would be useful to incorporate into my own repertoire?

Here are some articles that might be helpful:


I hope this helps a little more.

To find a list of people who perform interpersonal communication skills well, you can try the following steps:

1. Online search: Use search engines like Google to look for articles, blog posts, or online resources that highlight individuals known for their excellent interpersonal communication skills. You can try searching for phrases like "examples of people with strong interpersonal communication skills" or "great communicators in the business world."

2. Professional networking platforms: Utilize professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to search for individuals who are known for their strong interpersonal communication skills. Look for profiles of people in industries or roles where effective communication is highly valued, such as public speaking, leadership, coaching, or customer service.

3. Books and biographies: Look for books, biographies, or autobiographies of renowned communicators or influential leaders who are known for their effective interpersonal communication skills. These books often discuss their leadership style, communication techniques, and provide practical examples that you can learn from.

4. Speeches and TED Talks: Watch speeches, TED Talks, or presentations by individuals who are acclaimed for their communication skills. These platforms offer a wealth of examples where you can observe their body language, tone, choice of words, and other aspects of effective communication.

5. Ask for recommendations: Seek recommendations from mentors, colleagues, or professionals in your network who might be aware of people known for their exceptional interpersonal communication skills. They might provide personal examples or suggest individuals to research further.

Remember, while gathering examples from others can be helpful, it is essential to adapt and incorporate these behaviors authentically into your own style. Effective interpersonal communication is a combination of listening actively, expressing yourself clearly, adapting to different situations, and building rapport with others. Practice and continuous improvement are key to developing your own repertoire of communication skills.