where can i find a list of people or several people who perform interpersonal communication skill well.

Im looking for example i can draw from to see what behaviors would be useful to incorporate into my own repertoire?

To find a list of people who excel in interpersonal communication skills, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search on the internet: Use search engines like Google or Bing to search for "examples of people with exceptional interpersonal communication skills" or "role models for interpersonal communication skills." This will give you a starting point to explore various resources and sources.

2. Look for industry-specific examples: Depending on your field or area of interest, look for professionals, educators, or leaders who are recognized for their strong interpersonal communication skills within that industry. For example, if you are interested in business communication, search for successful business leaders known for their interpersonal skills.

3. Seek role models in your community: Look for individuals in your local community who are known for their exceptional interpersonal communication skills. This could include mentors, community leaders, or public speakers. Attend local events, workshops, or networking opportunities to connect with such individuals.

4. Leverage social media platforms: Utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube. Search for experts or thought leaders who regularly share insights, tips, and examples related to interpersonal communication. Follow their profiles, read their articles, or watch their videos for inspiration.

5. Learn from case studies or success stories: Look for case studies or success stories that highlight individuals who have excelled in interpersonal communication skills. Many publications, websites, or books feature stories of successful communicators and their approaches to interpersonal skills. These case studies can provide valuable insights and examples to incorporate into your own repertoire.

Remember, while it's important to draw inspiration from others, it is equally crucial to develop your unique style of interpersonal communication. Seek to understand the underlying principles and adapt them to your own personality, context, and goals.