a lot of times teachers will throw in a unit that has no meaning. They do this to get used to the idea of always carrying your units out with the problem. I suspect that is what is happening with your problem as I have never heard of a gon.

Sorry, a 100-gon is a 100 sided polygon.

A 100-gon, also known as a hectagon, is a polygon with 100 sides. To understand what a 100-gon looks like, imagine a shape with 100 straight sides connected together to form a closed figure. Since a 100-gon has a large number of sides, it would have many angles as well.

To better visualize a 100-gon, you can try the following steps:

1. Start with a piece of paper or a drawing software on your computer.
2. Draw a straight line segment to serve as one side of your 100-gon.
3. Measure the length of this line segment. Note down the measurement, as you will need it later.
4. Copy and paste this line segment 99 more times, placing each segment end to end, forming a closed shape.
5. Check that you have 100 sides. If you see only 99 sides, ensure the first and last segments are properly connected.
6. To make the 100-gon symmetrical, ensure that the angles between any two consecutive sides are equal.
7. Since the angles of a 100-gon are not easy to determine just by looking at the shape, you may use a protractor to measure the angles at each vertex.

And there you have it! A visual representation of a 100-gon.