Design a program that models the worm's behavior in the following scenario:

A worm is moving toward an apple. Each time it moves, the worm cuts the distance between itself and the apple by its own body length until the worm is close enough to enter the apple. The worm can enter the apple when it is within a body length of the apple.

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To design a program that models the behavior of the worm in this scenario, you can follow these steps:

1. Define the variables:
- `worm_position`: the current position of the worm
- `apple_position`: the position of the apple
- `body_length`: the length of the worm's body

2. Calculate the distance between the worm and the apple:
- You can use a distance formula to calculate the Euclidean distance between two points. In this case, you would calculate the distance between the `worm_position` and `apple_position`.

3. Check if the worm is close enough to enter the apple:
- Compare the calculated distance with the length of the worm's body. If the distance is less than or equal to the body length, the worm can enter the apple.

4. If the worm is not close enough, move the worm closer to the apple:
- Update the `worm_position` by subtracting the body length from the current position. This represents the worm moving towards the apple.

5. Repeat steps 2-4 until the worm is close enough to enter the apple.

Here's an example implementation in Python:

import math

worm_position = [0, 0] # starting position of the worm
apple_position = [10, 10] # position of the apple
body_length = 1 # length of the worm's body

def distance(point1, point2):
return math.sqrt((point2[0] - point1[0]) ** 2 + (point2[1] - point1[1]) ** 2)

while distance(worm_position, apple_position) > body_length:
worm_position[0] += body_length # move the worm closer to the apple
worm_position[1] += body_length

print("Worm entered the apple!")

In this example, the worm starts at position (0, 0) and the apple is at position (10, 10). The body length of the worm is set to 1. The `distance` function calculates the distance between two points using the distance formula. The while loop continues until the worm is close enough to enter the apple, by comparing the distance between the worm and the apple with the body length. Once the loop ends, it prints a message indicating that the worm has entered the apple.